Pets in Islam
(Class notes from the sisters Halaqa, with Sheikh Adel)
In Surah Isra Allah swt says, “we explained everything in detail.”
In Surah Al An’am, Allah says that Islam is for all of humanity. Islam is a universal religion. Allah says to our Prophet(SAW), “say to them that, rituals (nusukh), my prayers, my entire life and the way I die should be according to the religion of Islam.” You cannot believe in some part of the religion and disbelieve in another part. It is said in Surah Baqarah that such a person would be dishonored in this life and put to the most severe punishment in the hereafter.
Dogs are Allah’s creation and Allah is more merciful to his creation than a mother is to her child. Surah Kahf (ayah 22) mentions the men of the cave as 3 and the dog being the 4th or 5 and the dog being the 6th and so on. Allah mentions them with a clear distinction between the young men and the dog.
There’s a story of a prostitute, living a life of sin, she saw a dog panting from thirst. She had mercy in her heart and went to the well and filled her shoe with water and let the dog drink from it. This act of hers’ was loved by Allah so much, that she was forgiven all her sins.
On the contrary a woman was sent to the hellfire because she tied up a cat and did not give her any food nor let her go to find food. This clearly means that Allah wants us to be kind to animals. Abu Hurrairah’s real name was AbdurRahman Ibn Sakhr. He was given the name Abu Hurrairah, meaning father of Kitten, by the Prophet (SAW). He carried a kitten up his sleeve and put it down to pray.
Living in our society we see that, dogs as pets is a very common and popular practice. It is a Hadith that, when you follow the customs of a group of people, you will be resurrected with the same group of people on the Day of Judgment. In Surah Maeda Ayah 100, “Say, Not equal are things that are bad and things that are good, even though the abundance of the bad may dazzle thee.”
Dogs have certain uses for guarding, hunting, herding. They may also be used for the blind. Surah Maeda(Ayah 4) mentions the use of trained dogs for hunting.
Dogs are not allowed to be inside the house, living in the same space. The saliva of Dogs is impure, if it touches a part of us then we must wash it, you however do not loose Wudhu. Prophet(SAW) said whoever keeps a dog for no particular reason, looses reward from his scale of Hasanat(good deeds) equal to one Qirat every day(Qirat equal to Mount Uhud). Angels do not enter a home where there are dogs. Once Prophet (SAW) waited a very long time for Jibrael AS to appear even though he had promised the visit, when he came the Prophet(SAW) asked him why he was late and Jibrael AS said that he waited until a dog who had come with some people left the house.
Dog hair is not impure when dry. All Dog waste is impure. It is the Prophet’s saying that, if a dog licks a vessel, it should be washed seven times and the last time with dirt or soil.
It is permissible to kill a violent and harmful dog.
Three types of revenue is Haram 1. Income from selling dogs
- Dowry of a prostitute, 3. A fortuneteller’s income.
Abu Hurrairah(RA) forbid us to act like 3 animals in prayer.
- Going in sujood like a rooster bends his neck up and down to eat.
- Resting ones arms in sujood like a dog sitting down.
- To turn quickly like a fox when saying salam.