Rights of Relatives (Silat ul Arham)
The word ‘silat ul Arham’ in Arabic literally means connection of the womb. All of our relations have rights upon us.
A parent making dua for their child while they are happy with him/her is indeed a true blessing. During wartime, one of the Sahaba was captured by the disbelievers his parents went up to the Prophet (SAW) and asked for help. He (SAW) just told them, “You and your wife go and during the night recite La Hawla wala quwwata, Illa billah.” They followed the Prophets advice and probably went on with the recitation for 2-3 nights and then the following night their son returned home along with a herd of sheep. He told his parents that one night he found that the links of the chains with which he was held captive, suddenly loosening and opening up. He escaped in the night and then found a herd of sheep that followed him home. Such is the power of the dua of the parent and of La Hawla wala quwwata, Illa billah.
A Hadith of the Prophet (SAW) states, when Allah SWT created the creation, the representative of the womb went and attached itself to the waist of Allah as if seeking protection. Allah (SWT) said to it “Wait! Is it not enough for you that I will connect myself to the one that connects to you and I will cut off the one who cuts you off”. This is one powerful warning for keeping up the ties of Kinship.
In Surah Mohammad ayah 22-23, Allah (SWT) says, “Then is it to be expected of you if ye will do no mischief in the land and break your ties of kith and kin? Such are the men whom Allah has cursed for He has made them deaf and blinded their sight.”
Many blessings may come to you just because you may have kept good relations with your relatives (Silat ul arham).
The companions of the Prophet (SAW) asked him if our parents have rights upon us after their death, He (SAW) replied, yes:
-You must pray on them their funeral prayer and pray for their forgiveness.
-You must carry out their covenant or promise.
-You must keep up the ties of their kinship.
The Prophet (SAW) told all mankind: make peace by all means, (speech and deeds) feed food to all (rich and poor), have good connection with your kin and pray at night when people sleep, you will enter Jannah (paradise) in peace. The Prophet (SAW) gave this message while still seated on his camel upon reaching Medina after migration from Mecca.
In another hadith, the Prophet (SAW) says that those who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment be generous to your guest, speak good or keep silent and Allah will expand your rizq (sustenance) and increase your age. Here increase in age does not necessarily imply that years will be added to it, rather there will be blessing in that life.